Pre-1707 statutes still in force

As of October 2017 there are 83 Acts of Parliaments of Scotland (the pre-1707 Scottish parliament) still in force, either wholly, partly or as revised and amended by subsequent legislation. This total includes six Acts which are affected by repeals yet to take commencement, as detailed below. Links contained within the act titles will direct users to the website, where the revised text of each statute presently in force can be found (note, however, that this resource may not reflect all amendments made by recent legislation). The traditional legal citation, year and chapter number (according to the Record Edition) and corresponding RPS reference, providing a link to the full original text of each statute, are also given below.

The project team would like to thank the Scottish Law Commission for their assistance in compiling and updating this table of statutes still in force.


Year & chapter no.

RPS reference

Royal Mines Act 1424 1424, c.13 1424/15
Lawburrows Act 1429 1429, c.20 1430/24
Leases Act 1449 1449, c.6 1450/1/16-17
Diligence Act 1469 1469, c.12 1469/26
Royal Burghs Act 1487 1487, c.17 1487/10/21
Liferent Caution Act 1491 1491, c.6 1491/4/10
Leases Act 1491 1491, c.7 1491/4/11
Common Good Act 1491 1491, c.19 1491/4/23
College of Justice Act 1532 1532, c.2 1532/6
Liferent Caution Act 1535 1535, c.14 1535/23
College of Justice Act 1540 1540, c.10 1540/12/64
Lands Redemption Act 1555 1555, c.3 A1555/6/4
Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560 1560, c.1 A1560/8/3
Papal Jurisdiction Act 1560 1560, c.2 A1560/8/4
Coronation Oath Act 1567 1567, c.8 A1567/12/7
Church Jurisdiction Act 1567 1567, c.12 A1567/12/11
Burghs Act 1578 1578, c.11 1578/7/11
Church Act 1579 1579, c.6 1579/10/21
Church Jurisdiction Act 1579 1579, c.7 1579/10/22
Criminal Letters Act 1579 1579, c.16 1579/10/31
Lawburrows Act 1581 1581, c.22 1581/10/41
Breach of Arrestment Act 1581 1581, c.23 1581/10/42
Sovereignty Act 1584 1584, c.2 1584/5/8
Unlawful Jurisdictions Act 1584 1584, c.4 1584/5/10
Disqualification of Ministers Act 1584 1584, c.6 1584/5/12
Decreets in Absence Act 1584 [1]1Wholly repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007 (asp 3), schedule 6, but repeal not yet commenced. 1584, c.10 1584/5/84
Tolls Act 1587 1587, c.37 1587/7/47
Burghs Act 1587 1587, c.114 1587/7/136
General Assembly Act 1592 1592, c.8 1592/4/26
Lyon King of Arms Act 1592 1592, c.29 1592/4/47
Mines And Metals Act 1592 1592, c.31 1592/4/49
Citation Act 1592 1592, c.59 1592/4/81
Compensation Act 1592 1592, c.61 1592/4/83
Expenses Act 1592 1592, c.62 1592/4/84
Deforcement Act 1592 1592, c.72 1592/4/94
Land Purchase Act 1594 1594, c.26 1594/4/37
Kirk Dykes Act 1597 1597, c.3 1597/11/10
Lawburrows Act 1597 1597, c.40 1597/11/47
Crown Proceedings Act 1600 1600, c.23 1600/11/35
Sovereignty Act 1606 1606, c.1 1605/6/30
Theft Act 1607 1607, c.6 1607/3/17
Executors Act 1617 1617, c.14 1617/5/28
Registration Act 1617 1617, c.16 1617/5/30
Diligence Act 1621 [1]1Wholly repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007 (asp 3), schedule 6, but repeal not yet commenced. 1621, c.6 1621/6/18
Adjudication Act 1621 [1]1Wholly repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007 (asp 3), schedule 6, but repeal not yet commenced. 1621, c.7 1621/6/19
Sovereignty Act 1633 1633, c.3 1633/6/18
Crown Appointments Act 1661 1661, c.6 1661/1/16
Parliament Act 1661 1661, c.7 1661/1/17
Prerogative Act 1661 1661, c.13 1661/1/24
Precedence Act 1661 1661, c.211 1661/1/258
Bonds Act 1661 1661, c.244 1661/1/300
Arrestments Act 1661 1661, c.283 1661/1/347
March Dykes Act 1661 1661, c.284 1661/1/348
Diligence Act 1661 [1]1Wholly repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007 (asp 3), schedule 6, but repeal not yet commenced. 1661, c.344 1661/1/433
Minority Act 1663 [1]1Wholly repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007 (asp 3), schedule 6, but repeal not yet commenced. 1663, c.4 1663/6/12
March Dykes Act 1669 1669, c.38 1669/10/54
Lyon King of Arms Act 1669 1669, c.95 1669/10/111
Writs Act 1672 1672, c.16 1672/6/25
Courts Act 1672 1672, c.40 1672/6/50
Adjudications Act 1672 [1] 1672, c.45 1672/6/55
Lyon King of Arms Act 1672 1672, c.47 1672/6/57
Declinature Act 1681 1681, c.79 1681/7/37
Bills of Exchange Act 1681 1681, c.86 1681/7/44
Citation Act 1686 1686, c.5 1686/4/20
Claim of Right Act 1689 1689, c.28 1689/3/108
Prelacy Act 1689 1689, c.4 1689/6/36
Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1690 1690, c.7 1690/4/43
Confirmation Act 1690 1690, c.56 1690/4/117
Real Rights Act 1693 1693, c.22 1693/4/63
Register of Sasines Act 1693 1693, c.23 1693/4/64
Registration Act 1693 1693, c.24 1693/4/65
Ministers Act 1693 1693, c.38 1693/4/89
Court of Session Act 1693 1693, c.42 1693/4/93
Runrig Lands Act 1695 1695, c.36 1695/5/156
Division of Commonties Act 1695 1695, c.69 1695/5/204
Confirmation Act 1695 1695, c.72 1695/5/207
Vitious Intromitters Act 1696 1696, c.20 1696/9/138
Inland Bills Act 1696 1696, c.38 1696/9/169
Registration Act 1696 1696, c.41 1696/9/172
Criminal Procedure Act 1701 1701, c.6 1700/10/234
Fisheries Act 1705 1705, c.48 1705/6/192
Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Act 1707 1707, c.6 1706/10/251
Union with England Act 1707 1707, c.7 1706/10/257

1. Wholly repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007 (asp 3), schedule 6, but repeal not yet commenced.